Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sailor Green Lantern!

Alright, I have to admit that this week's post isn't entirely all about Sailor Moon, but one of my friends showed this to me, and I have to share. I think you'll all get as much a kick out of it as I do.

Last year, they made an animated Green Lantern movie called Green Lantern: First flight. I can't officially say Sailor Moon has been an influence on anything because I don't have any real evidence to back it up with, but there's no way you can't see the similarities to it in the following video. You see, for the movie the Green Lantern got a Sailor Moon transformation sequence! I kid you not. Someone actually decided to take the scene and put it to the Sailor Moon transformation music. It worked... creepily so. See for yourself!

The Green Lantern is an old school western super hero comic that began way back in the 1940's. If you're interested in learning more about it you can click here. However, all you really need to know to understand the following video is that to transform, the Green Lantern puts on a ring, kind of like how Sailor Moon grabs her brooch and shouts out her transformation phrase.

I'm also including a link to someone who parodied the transformation sequence as well as some of the other scenes from the movie to the English Sailor Moon opening song: Click Here
It's not nearly as good as the other video in my opinion, but it's still pretty amusing.

I think I'll feature some music next week...
See you then!
- Mikomi

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I just finished watching episode 154 of Sailor Moon, "Confrontation in Dreams! Minako and Makoto's Broken Friendship". For those who aren't obsessed enough to memorize the synoposis of every Sailor Moon episode ever created (probably a good thing), this is the episode in SuperS when CereCere attacks a kindergarten bazaar. I wouldn't say it's one of the better episodes of the season, but there's definitely some pretty amusing parts. I'm a HUGE fan of the little boy who takes pleasure in giving Minako hell.

In the spirit of kindergarten, I decided to feature Sailor Moon coloring book pages this week! I found them a while ago when I was googling Sailor Moon images. Truthfully, I'm surprised you can still find something like this online, especially on a free website. The selection's great. While looking through it, I found multiple shots of all the Senshi as well as Mamoru and the Sailor Starlights. However, for some strange reason, they're convinced that Makato's name is Marcy. Does anyone know if that was her name in one of the many international dubs made?'s Sailor Moon coloring pages


Also, I realized that I gave the wrong episode number for last week's video clip. "Huge Shock for Usagi! Mamoru Declares a Break Up" is actually episode 61. I don't know what the English equivalent is seeing as I was originally getting the numbering from Wikipedia and that seems to be a bit off. However, I'm getting this new number off of my official second season box set, so I should hope it's correct. ^^;; Sorry for anyone who tried to look it up and came up with a different episode. With all the episodes that have been subtracted from the English dub, everyone seems to have a different way of counting the episodes. I guess using the title is the only sure way of getting the episode you want.

See you next week!