Friday, February 19, 2010

Manga Style

It took me a while to decide what I wanted to post as my first real listing here. I debated anime clips, a few amvs, even some of the Sailor Moon activities I've accidentally run into over the years. But, in the end I decided to go with something a little simpler and pull from my latest SM ventures.

Every year or so I crave new Sailor Moon merchandise. In the past few years I've tracked down the season 2 box set, the SuperS books, and then finally, last year I got the Stars books, completing my collection of the series. This year I've set my sights on one of the art books. I'm currently watching an auction on ebay for the second art book, which features artwork from the R arc. I hope I get it!

So, in honor of the book and all the beautiful artwork it holds, I've decided to feature Manga Style as my first listing. I've known about Manga Style for a while now and I encourage everyone to check it out because it's just getting more and more amazing as time goes. They have an amazing amount of information on the manga series, including Naoko Takeuchi herself, buying the books, original designs, and so much more.

However, the most amazing part of this website (in my opinion at least) is their collection of art. Original and reprint covers, online calendars, the princess room... It's great. And their crown jewel of the art gallery? A full collection of scans from the art books including translated liner notes. Feast your eyes on a few examples of what you can find in the books and when you run out of images here, go over to explore Manga Style and check out the rest.


Select Scans from Art books 1-5
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket

If you've enjoyed this, please check out Manga Style. They've got all of this and way, way more!

Hope I've brightened your day!
- Mikomi

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